You have here a collection of the best skins for Windows Media Player 9, 10, 11 and XP. 25 top notch skins waiting for you to download for free. An interesting fact is that a lot of these skins were named Daily Deviations on DeviantArt.
How to install Windows Media Player skins
Extract the skin in \Storage\Application Data\Microsoft\Media Player and then select it from the skins menu in the player or simply double click the .wmz file.Satin for WMP 10

Stalker for WMP 11

Author’s comment: “The Official S.T.A.L.K.E.R. – Shadow of Chernobyl Windows Media Player 11 Skin
THQ, is a leading worldwide developer and publisher of interactive entertainment software. Headquartered in Los Angeles County, California, THQ sells product through its global network of offices located throughout North America, Europe and Asia Pacific.
In 2005, THQ joined forces with The Skins Factory to create the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. – Shadow of Chernobyl Windows Media Player 10 skin. Now in 2007, the Windows Media Player skin is issued to S.T.A.L.K.E.R.s worldwide. Featuring a start-up animation with sound FX, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. WMP 11 is a “must have” for those entering the “zone”.”
BluEye for WMP 9

Author’s comment: “This skin is a fully functional WMP9 skin with several special effects and extra content. It includes:
-Visualisations Mode
-Video Mode
-Info Mode, which contains contact information and a making-of slide show.”
Skinister media center for WMP 10

iTunesSnow for WMP XP

3 Colorshemes :blue/black/graphite
Lost Planet for WMP 11

Author’s comment: “Capcom® is a leading worldwide developer, publisher and distributor of interactive entertainment. Founded in 1983, the company has created world renowned franchises including Resident Evil, Street Fighter, Mega Man, Viewtiful Joe, Devil May Cry and the Onimusha series.
Capcom + The Skins Factory deliver the sub-zero, hyper-cool Windows Media Player 10 skin for Lost Planet. Lost Planet is a riveting sci-fi action shooter for the Xbox 360™ video game and entertainment system from Microsoft and mobile phone platforms. This exciting Windows Media Player 10 skin includes features like dual shutters, a retractable button compartment, sound FX, animations, a searchable playlist and many exciting stills and information from the upcoming game release of — Lost Planet.”
iMac G4 styled for WMP 10

Orion for WMP 10

Author’s comment: “Making use of most new features of Windows Media Player 10, Orion provides a tranquil and interesting skin experience. Envisioned as an evolution of BluEye, one of my Windows Media Player 9 skins, Orion fullfills all requierements to be both easy-to-use and interesting to explore. Not only that all functions of BluEye are customized in Orion, there is a plenty of new ones like the enhanced video and playlist mode. And for the curious among you, there is an extra info mode providing interesting information about making of Orion.
Here is a short list of its most important features:
-Enhanced playlist mode with access to the media library, CD ripping and an enhanced interface for better orientation.
-Visualisations mode providing info about the current track.
-Enhanced video mode with volume and seek controls directly on the window frame, so you can control the video even if the main console is hidden. Featuring DVD controls and zoom, too.
-Enhanced info mode with more information about the making of Orion
-Customized Equalizer
-Animations and other extra content”
wmpTunes for WMP 11

Author’s comment: “wmpTunes was inspired by the iTunes’ mini skin’s compact design and Windows Media Player 11′s sleek and shiny eye candy. With the combined look of two delicious designs, wmpTunes is sure to appeal to everyone.
-Skinned equalizer
-Transparency (on mouseout)
-Hidable volume control
-AlbumArt display
-Artist, Song title, and Album name display
Note: wmpTunes has been tested using Windows Media Player 11 in Windows XP. Although no errors have been found in testing, some features may not work in older versions of Windows Media Player.”
Transformers for WMP 10

PDC ’03 for WMP 11

Author’s comment: “A PDC ’03 inspired Windows Media Player style.
This is for Windows Vista Service Pack 1 x86.
Take ownership of
rename it to
extract the one here into C:\Windows\System32\”
iPod Clear for WMP 10

Knight Deck Media for WMP 10

Alienware Darkstar for WMP 11

X-FHL for WMP 10

Author’s comment: “My first animated Windows Media Player skin. Every time I’m using The Skins Factory’s WMP skins I want to create skin like theirs! Their skins have rich 3D animations and perfect lighting effects. Few days ago, I started to make this skin with 3Ds MAX. Because of the animations, SkinStudio is not useable for creating it. I have to directly edit the wms file by notepad. And in fact, I really really suffered from switching programs between PhotoShop, 3Ds MAX, GIF Movie Gear, notepad and some folders. But at last, I made it and I think it’s good enough for me, a beginner, to show you and sharing with you!”
Zippo for WMP XP

Author’s comment: “Zippo Manufacturing, the world famous maker of the Zippo Windproof lighter with the famous Lifetime Guarantee, has licensed Stardock’s Theme Manager software as part of Zippo’s marketing efforts. The suite was created by Pixtudio and includes WindowBlinds, IconPackage, wallpaper and WinAmp and Windows Media Player skins.”
PDC ’03 for WMP 11 (Windows XP)

M-Pad for WMP XP

Author’s comment: “This big green button completes my trio of simple WMP skins – one Triangular (Tierce), one round (Orbit), and this square one. Slide out Viz and Equaliser, with resizable playlist and video window. Now – what does the ‘M’ stand for? Media? Music? Mucus? You decide.”
zimanium for WMP 10

Batman Begins for WMP 10

Author’s comment: “Contracted by Microsoft Corporation and Warner Bros. Entertainment, The Skins Factory delivers a Windows Media Player skin fit for a hero.
Works with Windows Media Player 11.”
Longhorn Slate media player for WMP 10

TinyMachine for WMP 10

Author’s comment: “TinyMachine – Color Pack
This skin is a port from geektechnu’s “TinyRedMachine” for Avetunes.
The Zip file includes 10 Colors.[8 Colors, 1 Black & 1 Gray]. It Features User Rating and AlbumArt.
List Of Colors:
NVIDIA Reactor for WMP 10

Author’s comment: “NVIDIA contracted TSF to create a companion skin to our XFire application UI.
An advanced Windows Media Player 10 skin that pushes the boundaries of skin functionality and design. Forget a moment the exciting intro and runtime animations laced with sound effects that are sure to please even the most casual user, but now we’ve created an advanced Playlist module that will let you search you library, rate your songs, access playlists with a quick click of your mouse and even RIP your cds right from the skin.
Works with Windows Media Player 11.”
Glassy for WMP 10

Ipod Touch for WMP XP

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